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PVC sleeving is supplied in a wide range of sizes and colours. In addition to the size range shown we can
supply alternative diameters and wall thickness to meet particular applications as required.
A versatile material in common use ideal for cable or harnessing covering.
Continuous operating temp: -20°C to 70°C
Insulation resistance: 1010 Ohm/cm
Dielectric Strength: 20kV/mm
Tensile Strength: 15MPa
Elongation at break: 220%
Hardness: BSS20-30
Flammability: Self-extinguishing
RoHS compliant
NB. 85°C and 105°C rated sleeving only available to special order
Can be supplied in alternative wall thickness or on reels to special order
All sizes available in cut lengths (subject to minimum order quantities)
Standard colours: black (Blk), red (Red), blue (Blu), white (Whi), green/yellow (G/Y), brown (Bro),
yellow (Yel) and grey (Gry)
Other sizes and colours available may be subject to minimum order - green, violet, orange, pink and clear.